Carolyn Mollen, CPA

Carolyn Mollen is the Vice President for Finance & Administration and Treasurer at Resources for the Future (RFF). In her role at RFF, she oversees finance, technology, building services, and human resources, ensuring RFF has efficient and effective operations that support the organization’s mission advancement. She specializes in nonprofit accounting and operations issues, with an emphasis on financial reporting, budgeting, and talent management.
Prior to joining RFF, Carolyn was the chief financial officer at Independent Sector, the leadership network for nonprofits, foundations, and corporations committed to advancing the common good. She previously served as a manager with LarsonAllen LLP in their outsourcing department where she gained broad experience with a variety of nonprofit organizations.
Carolyn is a member of the American Institute of CPA’s Not-for-Profit Advisory Council and a member of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Not-for-Profit Advisory Committee. She is a member of the Board of Directors at the Greater Washington Society of CPAs, where she chairs the Nonprofit Financial Accountability Task Force and previously served as chair of both the Not-for-Profit Section and the Not-for-Profit Symposium. She also received the 2015 GWSCPA Outstanding Member in Business & Industry Award and the 2016 Nonprofit CFO Rising Star Award. In addition to her professional memberships, she serves as president for Traveling Players Ensemble, a nonprofit theater camp. She is also a licensed CPA in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
In her free time, she enjoys sharing her love of theater and practicing yoga with her daughter.