Lindsay Dean, CPA

Ms. Dean is a senior manager who has worked in auditing and accounting since 2004. She plans and coordinates the audit fieldwork for approximately 50 audit engagements on an annual basis. Ms. Dean works extensively with nonprofit organizations, specifically charitable organizations. She also works with numerous international clients, performs field audits, and travels throughout Africa and Europe. While traveling on behalf of the firm’s international clients, Ms. Dean performs a variety of audit work and agreed-upon procedures to ensure the clients’ internal controls are appropriate and compliant with donor requirements over the management of their funds.
Ms. Dean’s responsibilities include managing annual audit engagements that require compliance with Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance). Ms. Dean is recognized as one of the firm’s experts on the requirements specific to nonprofit organizations with respect to compliance with US government audit standards.
Internally, Ms. Dean is a founding member of Women on the Move, GRF’s women’s leadership imitative formalized in 2019.
- B.S. in Accounting, Emory University
- B.S. in Finance, Emory University
Professional Affiliations
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) • Greater Washington Society of CPAs (GWSCPA)
- Maryland Association of CPAs (MACPA)